Previously we have discussed how to use GADT to conveniently build computational graph for Bayesian models. Today, we discuss another topic related to GADT: Suppose we have already built a GADT, how could we make it an instance of Monad typeclass?
The reason we ask this question is as follows:
In conventional ADT, we can view a data type like data ADist a = ADist a
as a simple wrapper about type variable a
. Then a Monad could be easily defined as this:
instance Monad ADist where
return = ADist
(>>=) (ADist a) f = f a
That is, the bind function (>>=)
just need to fetch the content in the ADist
wrapper, and then apply function f
on it.
However, when we see the case of GADT, it is not so apparently what kind of data it wraps inside(Or there are so many wrapped in it, which one do we really refer to when doing (>>=)
?). For example:
data Dist a where
Return :: a -> Dist a
Bind :: Dist b -> (b -> Dist a) -> Dist a
Primitive :: (Sampleable d) => d a -> Dist a
Conditional :: (a -> Prob) -> Dist a -> Dist a
The Bind
and Conditional
constructor just wraps multiple things(values or functions) inside, which one should be corresponding to value of type a
The answer is still related to the idea we have demonstrated in previous post: GADT just do register job, and all the function/operation registered in are in lazy evaluation mode(again, do not confuse this with the built-in lazy evaluation mechanism in haskell
). We can decide what kind of operation for (>>=)
later in typeclass, and viewing GADT as a thunk. More specifically, see how the historical monad-bayes
commit handling this problem:
instance Functor Dist where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Dist where
pure = return
(<*>) = liftM2 ($)
instance Monad Dist where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
The implementation of these three typeclass jointly defines all the necessary elements for a Monad. The trick is the (>>=)
(>>=) = Bind
It is just another registering operation. That is to say, it doesn't matter what kind of data are in the Monad, we just assume that it is there, and registering upcoming function into the data type. Again, nothing really happened until some trigger function are called.
Something more interesting is the fmap
fmap = liftM
This function is defined as liftM
in Control.Monad
, and we have known the leftM
function is defined based on (>>=)
function. So the behavior of fmap
now changes(unlike what we normally see). It is no longer some function that fetch data a
from a Functor, then apply the function f
on it, finally wrap it back in a Monad. It is again just a function registering operation: if assume a value a
is stored in the monad, and registers a function f
, such that, given the value, it returns another value f a
, and finally, we call some constructor of Monad M
to build a data of type M
Let's demonstrate all above idea in a simple example:
newtype Explicit a = Explicit {toList :: [(a,Prob)]}
normalize :: [(a,Prob)] -> [(a,Prob)]
normalize xs = map (second (/ norm)) xs where
norm = sum $ map snd xs
instance Sampleable Explicit where
sample g (Explicit xs) =
pick xs $ fst $ randomR (0.0,1.0) g
class DiscreteDist d where
categorical :: [(a,Prob)] -> d a
newtype Prob = Prob {toDouble :: Double}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Num, Fractional, Real, RealFrac, Floating, Random, Ext.Distribution Ext.StdUniform)
instance DiscreteDist Explicit where
categorical = Explicit . normalize
instance DiscreteDist Dist where
categorical = Primitive . (categorical :: [(a,Prob)] -> Explicit a)
type Samples a = [(a,Prob)]
resample :: Samples a -> Dist (Samples a)
resample xs = sequence $ replicate n $ fmap (,1) $ categorical xs where
n = length xs
In resample
function, what categorical xs
does is to return a data of type Dist a
. fmap (,1) $ categorical xs
will transform this data into type of Dist (a, Prob)
just using fmap function we discussed above. Not that what categorical xs
really gives us is something looks-like this:
Primitive (Explicit {toList=xs :: Sample a})
It is not clearly how the fmap would work for it by looking at it directly. However, if remind that fmap
here is just about registering, it is clear. Since by calling trigger function such as sample
, the Primitive (Explicit {toList=xs :: Sample a})
data will certainly give us a value of type a
, and all the link is now connected!
This is the beauty of GADT!