Brief Introduction:

Variational ansatz-based imaginary time evolution(VITE), or imaginary-time Ansatz optimization(as referred in Ref) is a method to project the trajectory of imaginary time evolution onto the ansatz manifold. The basic idea is to solve the imaginary time evolution equation(McLachlan’s variational principle):

\[\frac{\partial |\psi(\tau)\rangle}{\partial \tau} = -(H - E_{\tau})|\psi(\tau)\rangle\]


\[E_{\tau} = \langle \psi(\tau)|H|\psi(\tau) \rangle\]

What makes it different from conventional imaginary time evolution method is that it uses the function space of ansatz \(\theta \mapsto |\psi_{\theta}(\tau)\rangle\) as the solution space. By doing so, the evolution of state vector \(|\psi \rangle\) is transformed into evolution of parameters \(\theta\). For more details, please refer to the Appendix of the paper.

In short, the VITE is to obey the following update rule:

\[\theta(\tau + \delta \tau) = \theta(\tau) + A^{-1}(\tau) \cdot C(\tau)\delta \tau\]


\[A_{ij}(\tau) = \mathrm{Real}\left(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} \frac{\partial |\phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_j}\right)\] \[C_{i}(\tau) = -\mathrm{Real} \left(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} H |\phi(\tau) \rangle \right)\]

This is actually equivalent to applying a preconditioner \(A^{-1}\) to the gradient descent method:

\[\theta(\tau + \delta \tau) = \theta(\tau) - A^{-1}(\tau) \cdot \mathrm{grad}(\theta(\tau))\delta \tau\]

Recent propose of quantum natural gradient descent(QNGD) also connects to the precontitioner \(A\) of VITE. In QNGD, the update rule is as follows:

\[\theta(\tau + \delta \tau) = \theta(\tau) - F^{-1}(\tau) \cdot \mathrm{grad}(\theta(\tau))\delta \tau\]


\[F_{ij}(\tau) = 4 \mathrm{Real}\left(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} \frac{\partial |\phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_j} - \frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} |\phi(\tau)\rangle \langle \phi(\tau)| \frac{\partial |\phi(\tau)\rangle}{\partial \theta_j}\right)\]

We see that both VITE and QNGD can be seen as cases for applying Hessian-like preconditioner to the gradient descent method.

Calculation of Hessian-like matrix

The calculation of the form \(\mathrm{Real}\left(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} \frac{\partial |\phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_j}\right)\), from the viewpoint of the physical implementation of quantum computation, requires doing hadamard test at both side of the circuit, i.e. the left circuit with parameter \(\theta_i\) and the right circuit with parameter \(\theta_j\). From the viewpoint of the numerical simulation, it becomes a little interesting, since forward mode differentiation(including forward mode numerical differentiation method and hadamard test method) has a complexity of \(O(N^2)\), which is not efficient enough. Since most numerical simulator use a more efficient(complexity of \(O(N)\)) differentiation method, i.e. reverse mode or backpropogation, here is the question that, if reverse mode could be used in the calculation of the Hessian-like matrix defined above.

It is actually possible, just do the hybrid mode!

In a forward-reverse hybrid mode, we firstly do forward-mode symbolic rewriting of the left circuit, such that the new circuit has the \(\langle A|B\rangle\) form:

\[ \langle A|B\rangle = \mathrm{Real}\left( \frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)| \phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_i} \right)\]

and then using backpropogation to calculate the gradient with respect to each \(\theta_j\) in the right circuit. That's it!

The only thing left is to proof that this is mathematically solid, that is, we need to prove:

\[ \mathrm{Real}\left(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} \frac{\partial |\phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_j}\right) = \partial \mathrm{Real}\left( \frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)| \phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_i} \right) / \partial \theta_j \]

It is actually straightforward, let's firstly define

\[f(\theta_j) = \frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)| \phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_i}\]

without of loss of generality, we can also say:

\[ f(\theta_j) = u(\theta_j) + i v(\theta_j) \]

where \(u\) and \(v\) are real function, and \(\theta_j\) is a real variable. Thus, we easily have:

\[ \frac{\partial f(\theta_j)}{\partial \theta_j} = \frac{\partial u(\theta_j)}{\partial \theta_j} + i \frac{\partial v(\theta_j)}{\partial \theta_j} \]


\[ \mathrm{Real}\left( \frac{\partial f(\theta_j)}{\partial \theta_j}\right) = \frac{\partial u(\theta_j)}{\partial \theta_j} = \frac{\partial \mathrm{Real}\left( f(\theta_j) \right) }{\partial \theta_j} \]

expanding \(f\) into \(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)| \phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_i}\) we immediately have

\[ \mathrm{Real}\left(\frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)|}{\partial \theta_i} \frac{\partial |\phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_j}\right) = \partial \mathrm{Real}\left( \frac{\partial \langle \phi(\tau)| \phi(\tau) \rangle}{\partial \theta_i} \right) / \partial \theta_j \]

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